Web Scraping

Revolutionize Your Web Scraping: 10,000 Pages from ONE URL with FireCrawl!
Web scraping 10,000 pages from a single URL with FireCrawl! This powerful web scraping tool allows you to scrape multiple web pages into your Bubble.io app.

How to run a Browse AI web scraping robot from Bubble.io
Trigger Browse AI web scraping robots from your no-code app. This video shows you how to use the Browse AI API to run a web scraping robot directly from your Bubble.io app. Learn how to set up the API connector, pass in dynamic parameters, and trigger the robot to scrape content from Reddit.

Web Scraping Reddit Search Results into a Bubble.io app
Web scraping Reddit search results into your Bubble.io app is now possible with Browse AI.

AI Web Scraping Structured Data: Claude Tools & JSON mode - Part 3
The BEST way to request structured JSON data from an AI like Claude by Anthropic. Dive into the world of Claude Tools (function calling).

AI Web Scraping Structured Data - Part 2
Learn one method of extracting values from JSON returned by an AI like Claude by Anthropic.