Build apps no code with Bubble - Getting started

Headshot of Matt the Planet No Code Bubble Coach
September 20, 2022
5 minute read
Build apps no code with Bubble - Getting started

The future of web app development is no code. The traditional way of coding is becoming obsolete as developers are now able to create apps without writing a single line of code.

The future of web app development is not about learning to code. It’s about using an app builder that doesn't require any coding knowledge.

What app does your business need? Create it without coding.

If you're looking to create a new app without coding, then you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll show you how to create a basic app using an app development platform called Bubble. Bubble is a visual web app development platform (also known as no code) that allows you to create simple apps without any coding. So if you want to learn how to create your own business app without any coding, keep reading!

What is no code?

No code app development is a new trend in the app development industry. It has been around for a while but it has only seen an increase in popularity over the past few years.

Building a nocode app doesn't depend on a single platform. There are multiple nocode app builder platforms available. It can be done with different tools and frameworks. Some of these tools include Bubble and Glide.

No code app development is a process that allows developers to create apps without the need for coding. It is a new way of building apps without the need for any coding knowledge.

Can anyone build apps?

In no code app development, anyone can use drag-and-drop tools to build apps. They can either use prebuilt templates or start from scratch in order to design their app and set up its functionalities.

No code app development tools are used by non-technical people to develop apps without any coding knowledge. This type of development is great for those who don't have time to learn how to code or for those who want to get a prototype out quickly for testing purposes.

It's not surprising that the no code or low-code platforms have become so popular in recent years. The traditional web development process is time-consuming and cumbersome for both developers and clients alike. The no code approach has been seen as a solution to this problem by enabling anyone with minimal knowledge of web design and coding to build their own app, quickly and easily.

No Code vs Low Code

No code vs low code is a debate that has been going on for a long time. However, it is not about the skillset that the developer has but about the kind of app they want to create and the level of customization they want.

No-code app builders provide a drag-and-drop interface which allows users to create apps without any coding knowledge. On the other hand, low code app builders require some coding knowledge but are more flexible and offer more customization options.

Skip working with mockups, go straight to the app builder

Building a nocode app is so much quicker than traditional app development. Instead of hiring a developer and UI designer most people can launch a minimal viable product themselves. You don't need to wait for a UI designer to create a document only they will understand. There are 1000s of UI kits and themes to choose from for as little as $20 that can easily be built within the Bubble editor. Once you've got some basic UI in the Bubble app builder you can immediately move onto creating your workflows and working with database types.

What types of web apps can be built with Bubble no code?

I like to say you can build 90% of web app startups using Bubble. There are Bubble limitations, you won't be cloning God of War with Bubble, but with just a few hours of learning you could build a Canva clone or build a Tinder clone.

Bubble io Examples

Incomee - Boost up your business with ease

A financial app for freelancers built with Bubble, Incomee is a fantastic example of the what type of apps you can build with Bubble.

Reachr - Connecting Brands x Influencers in the UAE

Another beautifully designed Bubble app.

How do I get started & build apps no code

The beginning of your nocode app builder journey starts with registering an account with Bubble. How much does Bubble cost? Bubble provides a generous free plan with everything you need to get to grips with the visual nocode app builder.

Bubble visual UI editor

Next complete Bubble's new user onboarding tutorial. Here you will learn the basics of the Bubble app builder.

The best way to learn Bubble is to build. But when you need some help, we're here for you. Planet No Code has a large library of Bubble tutorial videos with everything you need to learn Bubble.

Don't worry if you can't find the perfect tutorial video to answer your burning Bubble question. We provide affordable, and sometimes free, Bubble coaching over Zoom to help both beginner and advanced Bubble app builders.