Implement an Upvote Feature like Product Hunt & Reddit
Providing an upvote feature for user-generated content is a significant factor for encouraging engagement and building an active user-base.
Unlock the power of upvoting: Learn how to boost user engagement in your Bubble app with this simple tutorial.
Master Bubble's repeating groups: Discover how to create dynamic upvote features that will keep users coming back for more.
Elevate your app's interactivity: Implement a custom event system for seamless upvoting and user tracking.
Creating an Upvote Feature in is well known for empowering people to create fully customizable and interactive web apps. Providing an upvote feature for user generated content is a significant factor for encouraging engagement and building an active user base. This video will guide you on how to create and integrate an upvote feature for user generated content in to stimulate user involvement and increase app popularity.
Setting Up the Repeating Group
We're going to start with this repeating group and it's just showing a post, showing my content of data type search for posts. And if we have a look in data, you can see I've just got some dummy content created in posts. And if we preview the app, it just lists through using the repeating group my three posts.
Adding an Upvote Button
If I want to upvote the content, how would I go about that? Well, I'm going to show you a number of different methods to do so. I'm going to start by adding in a group into the row here. And this, give this a little bit of padding and add in an icon. We'll make this a column, make this an upvote. A little bit bigger.
Method 1: Creating a Counter
Let's do one method. Let's go about this by just creating a counter. So when this group is clicked, I'm going to start a workflow and say, make changes to thing. And the thing is going to be my posts because that's where I'm going to keep a record of how many upvotes it's received. And I'm going to create a new field and call this votes and make it numerical. And then all I'm going to do is say current, or either of these, it doesn't really matter. We'll go with this posts, votes, add one.
Adding Visual Feedback
Let's preview that. In fact, I've got no way of giving any visual feedback on it. So I'm going to add in some text here. Make this the post so I can carry the data down my elementary, give it there. So we've got repeating group, we've got the cell. So this is now posts of votes, get rid of the width. Let's center it.
Testing the Upvote Feature
Right, preview that. So you can see that it's now become a button because the browser is responding with the hand icon ready to click and if I click it, I can upvote. And you can see that in data, it's now got four upvotes.
Limiting User Votes
This is very limiting because what if I want to restrict the user to only upvote once. Well then I need to approach it in a slightly different way. So let's clear this down to zero. That is just emptying. So I've got to come up with a way of tracking whether a user has voted on the post or not.
Alternative Method: Tracking User Votes
Now one way of doing that would be to save the post to the user and basically the user has a field which lists out all the posts they've voted on. I just need to be able to construct some sort of conditional statement that would allow me to say this user has voted for this post and to not allow them to vote anymore.
Creating a Voted By User Field
The way I'm going to go about it is to create a field on the post called voted by user. And so that's a type user and then this is a list. And then I change my workflow. Instead of using that votes, in fact I'll delete that so we don't get confused. The votes number field is now gone. I'll say when this group is clicked, I'm going to voted by user add current user. And I need to do one other change which is rather than looking at the numerical count which I've deleted. I'm going to say voted by user count.
Testing the New Upvote System
So currently zero and if I click it, it's not going to allow me to add more than one. Now that is to do with how Bubble handles lists. It's not allowing me to add the person more than once. And we can check that out by going back into data.
Handling Non-Logged In Users
Part of what's going on here is the fact that even though I'm running the app as a non logged in user and Bubble is using a cookie to track the session in order to do limited behaviors associated with current user. But it's not able to actually track that that user has taken the action.
Testing with Logged In Users
So I'm now running it as a logged in user. And let's try this one. Yeah, okay and then if I go into here, into posts, I can see that voted by user is now creating a list of the user. And it's not going to allow me to add duplicates. Like it's only going to allow unique entries in there. Which works fairly well for up voting.
Adding the Ability to Remove Votes
I'm going to show you one last thing on this which is what if we want the user to be able to remove the vote that they've cast. So we add in a conditional statement here and we say only when current cell's posts voted by user doesn't contain current user. So that's going to restrict them to only running it once anyway.
Optimizing the Workflow
And then I'm going to copy and paste this. In fact, the condition, if we're really optimizing it, should go on the workflow square rather than the first instance. So let's just go back to one. I like to call it code. So I'll make this green because it's doing a positive action and I'm going to copy and paste that. And this is going to be my negative action.
Implementing Vote Removal
So when current posts voted by user does contain current user, I want to remove. Goes down to zero. Goes back up to one. Goes down to zero because when the current user already exists in that field, it runs this workflow and it removes current user from the field. And we can check that in data by refreshing it. And we can see that voted by user is now empty.
Optimizing for Large User Bases
Now, there may come a point when you want to optimize this a little bit. And here's just a starter for optimizing. Which is that, let's say you have a thousand users in your app, do you really want to be counting hundreds of upvotes every time the page loads?
Using Custom Events for Optimization
So the way around that would be to add in another step here. In fact, we could use a custom event because we're going to do the same thing twice. So this will be count votes and of type post. So when the user adds themself as a voter, we will trigger a custom event. Results of step one. And we'll add in, make changes to a thing, this post and we'll add back in the numerical votes.
Improving Performance
This is the stop us from having to run the count for every single cell in our table every time the page loads. So we'll say posts, no it's not, it is going to be a post voted by user count. And we can add the same here. Now, if I go back, I'm going to display the number based on the numerical field, not the count field.
Final Touches and Displaying Zero Votes
And you see, it works exactly the same way, but it's more optimized. But if you were to have hundreds of users in that voting field, you're displaying a static number rather than having to run the count every time. One last thing, you might notice that the field is empty and it's not actually showing a zero. There'll be two ways you could counter this. One would be in text here to say, well current posts votes is zero, text is zero.
Setting Default Values
Okay, let's check that. Okay, what have I done wrong there? Oh, good, votes is a number field. Okay, so that's one way of approaching it, but only if you've done this first. And then actually if you've done this, there's no need to have this conditional statement. So basically all you needed to do was in posts, say votes number is zero.
Understanding Bubble's Number Field Behavior
And that's simply because Bubble treats an empty field, at least if a number sort of like zero, at least when it comes to doing calculations, like the plus one, I demoed at the start, but it won't display it as zero as you just saw if the field is completely empty. By putting a default into your data types and onto your field here, you're just saying that every time a post is created, it is actually zero rather than it just being empty.
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