New Responsive Engine with - Why should you be excited

Headshot of Matt the Planet No Code Bubble Coach
June 27, 2022
5 minute read
New Responsive Engine with - Why should you be excited

It's an exciting time to be a user of Bubble. As Bubble is gearing up for the launch of their new responsive engine on June 29th.

Here are 3 reasons I am excited about the new responsive engine and I think it's going to do a world of good for the Bubble community.

1. Better designed Bubble apps

I think that the new responsive engine is going to lead to better designed Bubble apps. In my time, working as a one to one Bubble coach and talking with clients and trying to help them work out whether Bubble is a good fit for their idea or their MVP time: time again, I've heard that their main apprehension is that the Bubble apps that they've looked at, they're not impressed by the design. I think one of the cause of that is that the current UI editor, the one that's being phased out, it offers too much freedom. You can just draw your elements any way you like on the screen. There's no uniformity to the layout unless you really dial that in yourself. So I'm excited by the fact that the new response engine lets you fine tune the margins, you're paddling the gaps between elements. I think it's going to lead to much more professionally designed apps on the Bubble platform.

2. Better desktop to mobile design

Number 2, it is called the responsive engine, after all. And I think that will be demonstrated by the fact that it's going to become easier for Bubble creators to adapt their desktop apps down to mobile - to get that really flawless progressive web app (PWA) experience. This is something that I think will be much more easily achieved with the new responsive engine. The ability to use your columns, use your rows, have elements go from a row into a column, your max width and your min width and all of that already... and I've been using the new responsive engine for a few months now. It makes it a much more enjoyable experience to shrink your app down from desktop to mobile. I think in the past with the old UI editor, it was a lot of guesswork trying to work out, well, why is that element not changed size or hasn't gone onto a new line? So mobile responsive design, I think, is getting a whole world easier with the new responsive engine.

3. Fast front-end page rendering

I think it comes down to front end performance. We've seen over the course of the beta release of the new response engine. The Bubble team are making promises and claims about improvements they're making to how pages are rendered on the front end. For us at Planet No Code our main landing page and our root domain. We run that on WordPress because with a WordPress page builder I was able to get a page load speed of less than a second. In fact. Less than half a second with a local test. Whereas if I was to build it, in fact, I tried this, I was building a similar landing page in Bubble and I was looking at a page landing speed of 2 to 3, maybe touching on the 4 seconds for the page to fully render. That just seemed like too much of a cost when we want to offer a really good experience to our users when they land on our homepage. Not to mention the SEO benefits / penalties for having a slow landing page. I have really high hopes that the Bubble team have got plans that are going to improve the HTML and the CSS and the JavaScript rendering on the front end that's really going to speed things up for front end users.

Wrap up

So that's my wrap up of the week and of the new response engine, which is launching really soon. Yeah, better designs, Bubble apps. It's going to make it so much easier for us creators to get that's uniformity in our designs, make it easier for us to shrink them down onto mobile. And I have really high hopes that in the next few months we're going to see dramatic increases in front end performance for Bubble apps.